Saturday, 1 September 2007

Grainger’s 2nd public display of plans.

As a repeat of the May proposals, Grainger have made little change to the proposed plans. Maximum profit still appears to be their aim. Our community will be left with the problems. There are still the same unresolved issues:
• The allotments and their status
• Car parking and garages
Children's play areas
Moorpool hall and its upkeep
Grainger’s attitude to the development and resident’s views

Please add your comments on these and any other issues you discussed with Grainger or other residents today.

Grainger do not have any automatic right to develop and there are many and better alternatives that will benefit the community. Copies of the plans will be available on the MRG site.

Please post your comments, thoughts and any issues you raised with Grainger.


Anonymous said...

One more house. Or is it seven less houses and eight more rabbit hutches. It taken them this long to tweak a couple of changes and try and kid us they're responding to feedback. This is like the bad old days of BL when a new grill was described as a new model. Hardly think another survey's needed. Nothing's changed.

Anonymous said...

One of the grainger blokes (Tim somebody) said that the plans will probably change again before they go to the council, but they don't have to show them again. What the hells the point of public consultation if they can then go and change them. Just ticking boxes rather than giving a monkey what we really think.

Anonymous said...

There is a further meeting tomorrow evening (Wednesday 5th September) at Harborne Primary School, starting at 7pm.

This is going to be an important meeting as it is another opportunity to put on record what residents think about the proposals. What matters most isn't the opinions of the developers, or of the politicians, but of the residents who have an interest in ensuring we have a sustainable community on Moorpool.

I would urge everyone to attend and make sure they have their say.


Anonymous said...

There was a lot of miss information being circulated by Grainger's staff. Comments heard said to residents that issues had been agreed with the MRG or Andrew. Basically lies and deceit. They will do anything to get their way. A disgusting display of arrogance from Grainger.

Anonymous said...

I can confirm that nothing has been agreed with Grainger at all. If they are saying that they are attempting to divide the residents. To hear my views, and those of the MRG on Grainger and their current proposals, come along tonight to Harborne Primary School.

Anonymous said...

Last night residence meeting was encouraging - it was well run, majority of people seemed very informed and all grateful to the hard work and efforts that everyone is making create further actions and awareness of potential Grainger activity and what we can/ should do- the Duck, the website, these blog sites, the signboard, MRG group, Allotment group, etc and how all are working together.

I thought it was a great idea to get the photos of back gardens, any letters of complaint ready in draft for when required to ensure that there is not a last minute dash for our window of 21 days.

Noticeably there were some new attendees but there were still a number missing. To ensure these people are active in the above perhaps the ladies suggestion of door to door campaigns to ensure all are residence are active is not such a bad idea. I know the gentleman speaker was concerned of diluting the message however - perhaps those who did not attend or pay subs ( name and addresses were taken ) - could be called on. Some people are just unable to attend - no babysiters/ working nights etc ....desperate times call for desperate measures.

For those who have been active from the start, we residents are very grateful and ready in the wings.

AMOB - Moorpool Resident